Friday, 27 September 2024

Walter Bacon

Born: 13 May 1891, Brooklyn, New York, USA
Died: 7 November 1973, Hollywood, California, USA

Storm Warning (1950) as Foreman of the Jury (uncredited)

Walter Bacon is nearest to us.

Sunday, 15 September 2024

Helen Mueller

Born: unknown
Died: unknown (but still living in July 2015)

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: Collier's Magazine

The only 'Cover Girl' in the movie to not have a close-up.

Cheryl Archer

Born: 1937, New York City, New York, USA
Died: 10 November 2008, New York City, New York, USA

Appeared on Broadway in 1948 in the play 'Love Life'.

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: Look (Credited as Cheryl Archibald)

Dusty Anderson

Born: 17 December 1918, Toledo, Ohio, USA
Died: 12 September 2007, Marbella, Spain

Dusty Anderson was an actress and a model who married film director Jean Negulesco. After she finished acting in films, Dusty Anderson became a painter.

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: Farm Journal Magazine

Jean Colleran

Born: unknown
Died: unknown

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: American Magazine

Martha Outlaw

Born: 29 April 1914, Elizabeth City, North Carolina, USA
Died: 30 December 2002, Santa Barbara, California, USA

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: Red Book

Cecilia Meagher

Born: 10 May 1919, New York, USA
Died: 11 July 1998, South Lake Tahoe, California, USA

Cecilia Meagher was a model who had a few small roles in films in the mid 1940s.

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: Coronet

Eileen McClory

Born: 1 June 1923, Hartford, Connecticut, USA
Died: 23 February 1984, Alameda, California, USA

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: The Glamour Magazine

Betty Jane Graham

Born: 24 December 1920, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Died: 1 July 1998, Rancho Mirage, California, USA

Not to be confused with the juvenile actress of the same name, Betty Jane Graham.

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: McCall's

Peggy Lloyd

Born: 15 April 1925, Los Angeles, California, USA
Died: 18 November 1986, Newport Beach, Orange County, California, USA

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: Mademoiselle Magazine

Francine Counihan

Born: 13 November 1915, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
Died: 18 November 1994, East Greenwich, Kent County, Rhode Island, USA

Sister of actress Anita Colby.

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: American Home

Rose May Robson

Born: unknown
Died: unknown

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: The Woman's Home Companion

Cornelia B. von Hessert

Born: unknown
Died: unknown

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: Harper's Bazaar Magazine

Susann Shaw

Born: unknown
Died: unknown

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: The Vogue Magazine

Betty Jane Hess

Born: unknown
Died: unknown

Betty Jane Hess was a model who appeared in just one film.

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: Cosmopolitan Magazine

Actresses L

Actresses whose surname begins with the letter L


Florence La Badie
Erin La Bissoniere
Isabel La Mal
Rosemary La Planche
Beatrice La Plante
Rita La Roy
Laura La Varnie
Lucille La Verne
Catherine Lacey 
Patti Lacey
Jean Lacy
Carla Laemmle 
Florence Lake
Veronica Lake
Hedy Lamarr
Dorothy Lamour
Elsa Lanchester
Hope Landin 
Carole Landis
Jessie Royce Landis
Margaret Landry
Abbe Lane
Lenita Lane
Leota Lane
Lola Lane
Nora Lane 
Priscilla Lane
Rosemary Lane
Lori Lanegger
June Lang
Rose Langdon
Elaine Lange
Frances Langford
Fay Lanphier
Angela Lansbury
Rae-Nell Laskey
Villie Latimer...aka...Billie Latimer
Agnes Lauchlan
Kay Lavelle 
Barbara Lawrence
Charlotte Lawrence
Delphi Lawrence
Florence Lawrence
Lillian Lawrence
Marjie Lawrence
Rosina Lawrence
Shirley Lawrence
Eleanor Lawson
Mary Lawson
Frances Weintraub Lax
Dilys Laye
Lorena Layson
Dorothy Layton 
Joan Lazer
Sheila Le Gay ...aka... Sheila Mannors ...aka... Sheila Bromley
Jeni Le Gon
Cloris Leachman
Barbara Leake 
Madeleine Lebeau
Anna Lee 
Belinda Lee
Dorothy Lee
Etta Lee
Florence Lee [Born: 1864] 
Gwen Lee
Jane Lee
Joanna Lee
Katherine Lee
Laura Lee
Lila Lee
Mary Lee
Nona Lee
Ruth Lee
Shirley Lee 
Andrea Leeds
Lila Leeds
Alison Leggatt
Carla Lehmann
Laurie Leigh
Vivien Leigh
Sara Leighton 
Virginia Leith 
Grace Lenard
Connie Leon
Peggy Leon
Valerie Leon
Audrey Leonard 
Julie Leonard
Marion Leonard 
Stella LeSaint
Ione Leslie
Joan Leslie
Maxine Leslie
Kate Lester
Vickie Lester
Aileen Lewis 
Alyce Lewis 
Cathy Lewis
Jean Ann Lewis...aka...Eve Brent
Kay Lewis 
Vera Lewis
Maretta Light
Winnie Lightner
Lucita Lijertwood
Kay Linaker
Caryl Lincoln 
Viveca Lindfors
Olga Lindo
Helen Lindsay
Lois Lindsay 
Margaret Lindsay
Celia Lipton
Virna Lisi
Eve Lister
Moira Lister
Peggy Livesey
Doris Lloyd
Gladys Lloyd

Actresses K

Actresses whose surname begins with the letter K


Suzanne Kaaren
Vi Kaley
Helen Kane
Kathryn Kane
Marjorie Kane
Miriam Karlin
Katherine Kath
Christine Kaufmann
Marilyn Kay...aka...Kay Tapscott
Sylvia Kay
Lila Kaye
Jan Kayne
Betty Kean
Nan Kearns 
Louise Keaton
Myra Keaton
Jane Keckley 
Ruby Keeler
Hazel Keener
Grace Kelly
Kitty Kelly
Patsy Kelly
Pert Kelton
Lillian Kemble-Cooper 
Kay Kendall
Daun Kennedy 
Merna Kennedy
Phyllis Kennedy
Barbara Kent
Dorothea Kent
Elizabeth Kent
Jean Kent
Doris Kenyon
Gwen Kenyon
Deborah Kerr
Phoebe Kershaw
Ruth Kettlewell 
Evelyn Keyes
Bonnie Kildare
Cammie King
Eleanore King
Rose King
Sandra King 
Julie Kingdon
Natalie Kingston
Phyllis Kirk
Eartha Kitt
Helen Kleeb
Evalyn Knapp
Lydia Knott 
Patricia Knox
Susan Kohner 
Mary Kornman
Mildred Kornman 
Hope Kramer
Angela Krefeld
Jackie Krenk
Lorraine Kreuger
Sheila James Kuehl
Nancy Kulp
Ann Kunde
Karyn Kupcinet ...aka...Tammy Windsor

Actresses J

Actresses I

Actresses whose surname begins with the letter I


Frieda Inescort
Elizabeth Inglis
Joan Ingram
Jill Ireland
Lilyan Irene
Katharine Irving
Margaret Irving

Actresses H

Actresses whose surname begins with the letter H


Betty Jane Hess
Audrey Hessey
Philippa Hiatt
Ruth Hiatt
Barbara Hicks
Pat Hicks
Joan Hickson
Mary Hignett
Doris Hill
Florence Hill
Jacqueline Hill
Paula Hill
Thelma Hill
Candace Hilligoss
Mary Hinton
Thora Hird
Rose Hobart
Valerie Hobson
Joy Hodges
Gertrude Hoffman
Brenda Hogan
Mary Alan Hokanson
Fay Holden...aka...Gaby Fay
Gloria Holden
Fay Holderness
Hope Holiday
Edna Holland
Eleanor Holm
Sonia Holm
Helen Holmes
Charlene Holt
Darla Hood
Noel Hood
Maidie Hope
Marilyn Hope
Vida Hope
Miriam Hopkins
Hedda Hopper
Victoria Horne 
Jannie Hoskins
Jean Houghton
Renee Houston
Anne Howard
Eleanor Howard
Esther Howard
Frances Howard 
Gertrude Howard
Jane Howard
Joyce Howard
Kathleen Howard 
Dorothy Howe ...aka... Virginia Vale
Sally Ann Howes
Jean Howell
Virginia Howell
Ursula Howells
Jobyna Howland
Rochelle Hudson 
Carol Hughes
Mary Beth Hughes
Josephine Hull
Mary Hull
Benita Hume
Marjorie Hume
Eleanor Hunt
Elizabeth Hunt
Helen Hunt
Marsha Hunt
Martita Hunt
Anne Hunter ...aka... Nina Vale
Arline Hunter

Actresses G

Actresses whose surname begins with the letter G


Eva Gabor
Nancy Gabrielle
Gladys Gale
Joan Gale
Roberta Gale
Carole Gallagher
Gail Ganley
Greta Garbo
Ava Gardner
Gladis Gardner
Gloria Gardner
Helen Gardner
Judy Garland
Teri Garr
Betty Garrett
Greer Garson
Anita Garvin
Nancy Gates
Marjorie Gateson
Brenda Gay
Inez Gay
Karen X. Gaylord
Janet Gaynor
Mitzi Gaynor
Sally Geeson
Anita Gegna
Florence George
Gladys George
Muriel George
Florence Georgie
Helen Gerald
Emily Gerdes 
Mary Germaine
Betty Lou Gerson
Inna Gest
Sheila Shand Gibbs
Susanne Gibbs
Helen Gibson
Julie Gibson 
Wynne Gibson
Elsie Gilbert
Florence Gilbert 
Helen Gilbert
Jane Gilbert
Joanne Gilbert
Jody Gilbert
Connie Gilchrist
Sandra Giles
Gina Gillespie
Ruth Gillette
Jean Gillie
Ann Gillis
Helen Gilmore
Dorothy Gish
Lillian Gish
June Gittelson
Frances Gladwin
Lucile Gleason 
Angela Glynne
Paulette Goddard
Renee Godfrey...aka...Renee Haal
Vanda Godsell
Jill Goldston
Anita Gombault
Minna Gombell
Grace Goodall
Anita Gordon
Dorothy Gordon [UK]
Mary Gordon
Maude Turner Gordon
Vera Gordon
Norah Gorsen
Violet Gould
Vera Goulet  
Betty Grable
Betty Jane Graham [Born: 1920]
Betty Jane Graham [Born: 1922]

Karen X. Gaylord

Born: 4 January 1921, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA
Died: 1 August 2014, Ocala, Florida, USA

Cover Girl (1944) as Cover Girl: The Liberty Magazine

Saturday, 14 September 2024

Clegg Hoyt

Born: 10 December 1910, Norwalk, Connecticut, USA
Died: 6 October 1967, Woodland Hills, Los Angeles, California, USA

Rock All Night (1957) as Marty

Beach Dickerson

Born: 3 February 1924, Glenville, Georgia, USA
Died: 15 December 2005, Los Angeles, California, USA

Rock All Night (1957) as The Kid (Credited as Beech Dickerson)

Russell Johnson

Born: 10 November 1924, Ashley, Pennsylvania, USA
Died: 16 January 2014, Bainbridge Island, Washington, USA

Rock All Night (1957) as Jigger

Gail Ganley

Born: 22 January 1940, Cleveland Heights, Ohio, USA

Gail Ganley was a dancer and an actress who was in a few films in the 1950s and 1960s.

Rock All Night (1957) as Teenage Dancer (uncredited)

Robin Morse is on the right.

Abby Dalton

Born: 15 August 1932, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA
Died: 23 November 2020, Los Angeles, California, USA 

Rock All Night (1957) as Julie

Actresses F

Actresses whose surname begins with the letter F


Olga Fabian
Dot Farley
Patricia Farley
Frances Farmer
Virginia Farmer
Felicia Farr
Glenda Farrell
Gaby Fay...aka...Fay Holden
Alice Faye 
Janina Faye
Sheila Fearn
Frances Feist
Edith Fellows
Verna Felton
Jean Fenwick
Jeanne Ferguson
Bijou Fernandez
Grace Field
Madalynne Field
Mary Field
Shirley Anne Field
Evelyn Finley
Ann Firbank 
Anne Firth
Gloria Fisher
Emily Fitzroy 
Alice Fleming
Rhonda Fleming
Juanita Fletcher
Louise Fletcher
Helen Flint
Maggie Flint
Diane Florentine
Elizabeth Flournoy
Bess Flowers
Gertrude Flynn
Nina Foch
Joan Fontaine
Hazel Forbes
Mary Forbes
Carole Ann Ford
Helen Ford
Ruth Ford
Carol Forman
Ann Forrest
Helen Forrest (USA) 
Helen Forrest (UK)
Addie Foster
Dianne Foster
Helen Foster
Blanche Fothergill
Brenda Fowler
Sidney Fox
Sunny Fox
Loree Lee Foxx
Madeline Foy
Magda Foy
Mary Foy [Born 1872]
Mary Foy [Born 1901]
Grazina Frame
Kay Francis
Noel Francis
Betty Francisco
Rosemarie Frankland
Louise Franklin
Pamela Franklin
Fely Franquelli
Constance Fraser
Elisabeth Fraser
Helen Fraser
Liz Fraser
Phyllis Fraser
Pauline Frederick
Eleanor Fredericks 
Kathleen Freeman
Gillian French
Jacqueline French
Valerie French
Blanche Friderici
Alice Frost
Dolores Fuller
Margaret Fuller
Annette Funicello
Betty Furness
Jill Furse
Judith Furse
