Tuesday 1 March 2011

Actors L

Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter L

Eugene Lay
Howard Layton
Eddie Le Baron
William Le Maire
John Le Mesurier
Adolphe Le Prince
Hal Le Roy
Jimmy Leake 
Nolan Leary 
Rex Lease
Philip Leaver
Norman Leavitt
Ivan Lebedeff  
Gene LeBell
Bernard Lee
Canada Lee  
Duke R. Lee
Harry Lee (born 1872)
Harry Lee  (born 1892)
Will Lee
George Leech
Richard Leech
Peter Leeds
Richard LeGrand
Fritz Leiber
George Leigh
Nelson Leigh
Ronald Leigh-Hunt
Frederick Leister
Nico Lek
Tutte Lemkow
Jack Lemmon
Lynn Lemon
Jimmy Lennon Sr.
Gus Leonard
Sheldon Leonard
Kenneth LeRoy
Edward LeSaint
Eddie Leslie
Len Lesser
George Lessey
Bruce Lester
Mark Lester
Henri Letondal
Sam Levene
Carl M. Leviness
Stan Levitt
David Lewis
George J. Lewis
Harry Lewis
Henry Lewis Jr.
Jerry Lewis
Joe E. Lewis
Mitchell Lewis
Ralph Lewis
Sheldon Lewis
Tom Lewis
Edward Lexy
John Leyton
Rolf Lindau 
Stuart Lindsell
Jack 'Tiny' Lipson
Warren Lister
John Litel 
Lucien Littlefield
Ralph Littlefield
Roger Livesay
Robert Livingston
Al Lloyd
Charles Lloyd 
George Lloyd
Harold Lloyd
Norman Lloyd
Rollo Lloyd
Charles Lloyd Pack
Marvin Loback
Harry Locke
Philip Locke
Gene Lockhart
John Loder
David Lodge
Arthur Loft
Stanley Logan
Gus Lombardo
Tom London  
Richard Long
John Longden
Terence Longdon
Henry B. Longhurst
Jeremy Longhurst
Jimmy Lono
Richard Loo 
Theodore Lorch  
Peter Lorre
Jacques Lory
'Ducky' Louie
Montagu Love 
Arthur Lovegrove 
Frank Lovejoy 
Raymond Lovell 
Arthur Lowe
Barry Lowe 
Bill Lowe
Edmund Lowe 
John Lowell
Mark Lowell
Robert Lowell  
Robert Lowery
Morton Lowry 
Jimmie Lucas
Wilfred Lucas
William Lucas 
Max Lucke
John Ludlow
Arthur Ludwig
Sam Lufkin
Bela Lugosi  
Paul Lukas
Keye Luke
Dayton Lummis
John Lund
William Lundigan
Clarence Lung
Wallace Lupino
Jimmy Lydon
Ken Lynch
Kenny Lynch
Ned Lynch
Emmett Lynn
George Lynn
Jeffrey Lynn
Ben Lyon

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