Wednesday 9 May 2012

1918 Films


Dixie Madcaps (Short)

Hearts of the World

[Lillian Gish, Robert Harron, Dorothy Gish, Adolph Lestina, Josephine Crowell, Jack Cosgrave, Kate Bruce, Ben Alexander, Marion Emmons, Francis Marion, Robert Anderson, George Fawcett, George Siegmann, Fay Holderness, L. Lowry, Eugene Pouyet, Anna Mae Walthall, Yvette Duvoisin, Herbert Sutch, George Nichols, Mary Gish, Mary Hay, Erich von Stroheim, Noël Coward, Bettie Mae Clarke, Mae Clarke, Elizabeth Asquith, Walter Bytell, Alphonse Dufort, Jean Dumercier, Louise Emmons, Valerie Germonprez, Edward Grey (Archive Footage), D.W. Griffith, John Harron, Mary Harron, Mrs. Harron, Tessie Harron, Lady Lavery, Jules Lemontier, David Lloyd George, Georges Loyer, Diana Manners, Gaston Riviere, Bettine Stuart-Wortley, René Viviani]

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