Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter M
Donald MacBride
David MacDonald
Edmund MacDonald
Ian MacDonald
J. Farrell MacDonald
Kenneth MacDonald
Alex MacIntosh
Hughie Mack
James T. Mack
John Mack
Stanley Mack
Tommy Mack
Wilbur Mack
Fulton Mackay
Fred MacKaye (born 1897)
Alex Mackenzie
David Macklin
Barton MacLane
Fred MacMurray
Alan MacNaughton
George MacQuarrie
Murdock MacQuarrie
Duncan Macrae
Gordon MacRae
George Macready
Jerry Madden
Peter Madden
Noel Madison
Mickey Maga
Patrick Magee
Pete Maggio
George Magrill
Hugh Maguire
John Maguire
Jock Mahoney
Grant Maiben
Charles Hill Mailes
Eliot Makeham
Andreas Malandrinos
E. Malin
Aubrey Mallalieu
Miles Malleson
Rory Mallinson
Bobby Mallon
Peter Maloney
Stan Malotte
Miles Mander
Jerry Mandy
Dudley Manlove
Hank Mann
John Mann
David Manners
Joe Mantell
Chief Many Treaties
Ralph Manza
Ted Mapes
Francisco Marán
André Maranne
Launce Maraschal
Bertram Marburgh
Fredric March
Paul Marco
James A. Marcus
Jerry Maren
Arthur Margetson
Joseph Marievsky
Howard Marion-Crawford
Michael Mark
Arnold Marlé
Frank Marlowe
Jerry Marlowe
John Marlowe
Percy Marmont
Moore Marriott
Kenneth Mars
Andre Marsaudon
Charles Marsh
Garry Marsh
Alan Marshal
E. G. Marshall
Herbert Marshall
John Marshall
Tully Marshall
John Marston
Alphonse Martell
Frank Marth
Chris-Pin Martin
Dewey Martin
Frank Martin
Jimmy Martin
John Martin
Mickey Martin
Richard Martin
Strother Martin
Thomas Martin
Tony Martin
Frank Martinelli
Marty Martyn
Lee Marvin
Harpo Marx
Gary Mason
James Mason
Jim Mason
LeRoy Mason
Louis Mason
Tom Mason
Daniel Massey
Raymond Massey
George Mathews
Bernard Matis
Walter Matthau
Francis Matthews
Geoffrey Matthews
Lester Matthews
Scotty Mattraw
Victor Mature
Billy Mauch
Meinhart Maur
Edwin Max
Paul Maxey
Frank Maxwell
Donald MacBride
David MacDonald
Edmund MacDonald
Ian MacDonald
J. Farrell MacDonald
Kenneth MacDonald
Alex MacIntosh
Hughie Mack
James T. Mack
John Mack
Stanley Mack
Tommy Mack
Wilbur Mack
Fulton Mackay
Fred MacKaye (born 1897)
Alex Mackenzie
David Macklin
Barton MacLane
Fred MacMurray
Alan MacNaughton
George MacQuarrie
Murdock MacQuarrie
Duncan Macrae
Gordon MacRae
George Macready
Jerry Madden
Peter Madden
Noel Madison
Mickey Maga
Patrick Magee
Pete Maggio
George Magrill
Hugh Maguire
John Maguire
Jock Mahoney
Grant Maiben
Charles Hill Mailes
Eliot Makeham
Andreas Malandrinos
E. Malin
Aubrey Mallalieu
Miles Malleson
Rory Mallinson
Bobby Mallon
Peter Maloney
Stan Malotte
Miles Mander
Jerry Mandy
Dudley Manlove
Hank Mann
John Mann
David Manners
Joe Mantell
Chief Many Treaties
Ralph Manza
Ted Mapes
Francisco Marán
André Maranne
Launce Maraschal
Bertram Marburgh
Fredric March
Paul Marco
James A. Marcus
Jerry Maren
Arthur Margetson
Joseph Marievsky
Howard Marion-Crawford
Michael Mark
Arnold Marlé
Frank Marlowe
Jerry Marlowe
John Marlowe
Percy Marmont
Moore Marriott
Kenneth Mars
Andre Marsaudon
Charles Marsh
Garry Marsh
Alan Marshal
E. G. Marshall
Herbert Marshall
John Marshall
Tully Marshall
John Marston
Alphonse Martell
Frank Marth
Chris-Pin Martin
Dewey Martin
Frank Martin
Jimmy Martin
John Martin
Mickey Martin
Richard Martin
Strother Martin
Thomas Martin
Tony Martin
Frank Martinelli
Marty Martyn
Lee Marvin
Harpo Marx
Gary Mason
James Mason
Jim Mason
LeRoy Mason
Louis Mason
Tom Mason
Daniel Massey
Raymond Massey
George Mathews
Bernard Matis
Walter Matthau
Francis Matthews
Geoffrey Matthews
Lester Matthews
Scotty Mattraw
Victor Mature
Billy Mauch
Meinhart Maur
Edwin Max
Paul Maxey
Frank Maxwell
Lon McCallister
David McCallum
John McCallum
Kevin McCarthy
Mike McCarthy
Neil McCarthy
Roddy McCaskill
Doug McClure
John McCollum
Kendall McComas
Cal McCord
Merrill McCormick
Alec McCowen
Joel McCrea
Philo McCullough
Sam McDaniel
Francis McDonald
Malcolm McDowell
Nelson McDowell
George 'Spanky' McFarland
Darren McGavin
Tom McGinnis
J. P. McGowan
Robert A. McGowan
Walter McGrail
Larry McGrath
Pat McGrath
Charles McGraw
Malcolm McGregor
Joe McGuinn
John McGuire
Paul McGuire
Tom McGuire
Curtis 'Snowball' McHenry
Frank McHugh
Jack McHugh
John McHugh
Matt McHugh
Burr McIntosh
Barry McKay
George McKay
Jock McKay
Lafe McKee
Pat McKee
Robert McKenzie
Harry McKim
Sammy McKim
Clifford McLaglen
Victor McLaglen
Gibb McLaughlin
John McLiam
Frank McLure
Horace McMahon
Roddy McMillan
Douglas McMullen
Edward McNamara
Donald McNamee
Fred McNaughton
Gus McNaughton
Harry McNaughton
Jack McNaughton
Richard McNeff
Quinton McPherson
Steve McQueen
Tom McQuillan
Malcolm 'Bud' McTaggart
David McCallum
John McCallum
Kevin McCarthy
Mike McCarthy
Neil McCarthy
Roddy McCaskill
Doug McClure
John McCollum
Kendall McComas
Cal McCord
Merrill McCormick
Alec McCowen
Joel McCrea
Philo McCullough
Sam McDaniel
Francis McDonald
Malcolm McDowell
Nelson McDowell
George 'Spanky' McFarland
Darren McGavin
Tom McGinnis
J. P. McGowan
Robert A. McGowan
Walter McGrail
Larry McGrath
Pat McGrath
Charles McGraw
Malcolm McGregor
Joe McGuinn
John McGuire
Paul McGuire
Tom McGuire
Curtis 'Snowball' McHenry
Frank McHugh
Jack McHugh
John McHugh
Matt McHugh
Burr McIntosh
Barry McKay
George McKay
Jock McKay
Lafe McKee
Pat McKee
Robert McKenzie
Harry McKim
Sammy McKim
Clifford McLaglen
Victor McLaglen
Gibb McLaughlin
John McLiam
Frank McLure
Horace McMahon
Roddy McMillan
Douglas McMullen
Edward McNamara
Donald McNamee
Fred McNaughton
Gus McNaughton
Harry McNaughton
Jack McNaughton
Richard McNeff
Quinton McPherson
Steve McQueen
Tom McQuillan
Malcolm 'Bud' McTaggart
Patrick McVey
Paul McVey
Edward McWade
Robert McWade
Paul McWilliams
William Meader
Lew Meehan
Donald Meek
George Meeker
George Melford
Georges Méliès
Sid Melton
Murray Melvin
Adolphe Menjou
Freddie Mercer
Burgess Meredith
Frank Meredith
John Merkyl
Tony Merlo
George Merritt
John Merton
Buddy Messinger
Georges Metaxa
James Metcalf
Irish Meusel
Torben Meyer
Stan Meyers
Paul McVey
Edward McWade
Robert McWade
Paul McWilliams
William Meader
Lew Meehan
Donald Meek
George Meeker
George Melford
Georges Méliès
Sid Melton
Murray Melvin
Adolphe Menjou
Freddie Mercer
Burgess Meredith
Frank Meredith
John Merkyl
Tony Merlo
George Merritt
John Merton
Buddy Messinger
Georges Metaxa
James Metcalf
Irish Meusel
Torben Meyer
Stan Meyers
Ralph Michael
Tony Michaels
Robert Middlemass
Charles Middleton
Guy Middleton
George Mikell
Chef Milani
Adolph Milar
Robert Milasch
Bernard Miles
John Miljan
Ray Milland
Mark Milleham
Al Millen
Carl Miller
Charles Miller
Dick Miller
Hugh Miller
John Miller
John 'Skins' Miller
Marvin Miller
Patrick Miller
Tony Michaels
Robert Middlemass
Charles Middleton
Guy Middleton
George Mikell
Chef Milani
Adolph Milar
Robert Milasch
Bernard Miles
John Miljan
Ray Milland
Mark Milleham
Al Millen
Carl Miller
Charles Miller
Dick Miller
Hugh Miller
John Miller
John 'Skins' Miller
Marvin Miller
Patrick Miller
Rube Miller
Sidney Miller
Winston Miller
Arthur Millett
Spike Milligan
Frank Mills
Freddie Mills
James Mills
John Mills
Mort Mills
Thomas R. Mills
Warren Mills
Martin Milner
Billy Milton
Bob Minford
Harold Minjir
Billy Mitchell
Bruce Mitchell
Cameron Mitchell
Frank Mitchell
George Mitchell
Grant Mitchell
Howard M. Mitchell
Irving Mitchell
Julien Mitchell
Leslie Mitchell
Millard Mitchell
Thomas Mitchell
Warren Mitchell
John Mitchum
Robert Mitchum
Tom Mix
Hans Moebus
Titus Moede
Kansas Moehring
Donald Moffat
Graham Moffatt
Henry Mollison
John Molloy
William V. Mong
Tom Monroe
Ricardo Montalban
Douglass Montgomery...aka...Kent Douglass
George Montgomery
Jack Montgomery
Robert Montgomery
Ralph Moody
Ron Moody
Dennis Moore
Dickie Moore
Duke Moore
Kieron Moore
Matt Moore
Michael Moore
Roger Moore [USA]
Roger Moore [UK]
Bert Moorhouse
Frank Moran
George Moran
Jackie Moran
Lee Moran
Milburn Morante
Kenneth More
Dick Morehead
Mantan Moreland
André Morell
Mike Morelli
Harry T. Morey
Boyd 'Red' Morgan
Charles Morgan
Dennis Morgan
Frank Morgan
Harry Morgan
Kewpie Morgan
Stanley Morgan
Sidney Miller
Winston Miller
Arthur Millett
Spike Milligan
Frank Mills
Freddie Mills
James Mills
John Mills
Mort Mills
Thomas R. Mills
Warren Mills
Martin Milner
Billy Milton
Bob Minford
Harold Minjir
Billy Mitchell
Bruce Mitchell
Cameron Mitchell
Frank Mitchell
George Mitchell
Grant Mitchell
Howard M. Mitchell
Irving Mitchell
Julien Mitchell
Leslie Mitchell
Millard Mitchell
Thomas Mitchell
Warren Mitchell
John Mitchum
Robert Mitchum
Tom Mix
Hans Moebus
Titus Moede
Kansas Moehring
Donald Moffat
Graham Moffatt
Henry Mollison
John Molloy
William V. Mong
Tom Monroe
Ricardo Montalban
Douglass Montgomery...aka...Kent Douglass
George Montgomery
Jack Montgomery
Robert Montgomery
Ralph Moody
Ron Moody
Dennis Moore
Dickie Moore
Duke Moore
Kieron Moore
Matt Moore
Michael Moore
Roger Moore [USA]
Roger Moore [UK]
Bert Moorhouse
Frank Moran
George Moran
Jackie Moran
Lee Moran
Milburn Morante
Kenneth More
Dick Morehead
Mantan Moreland
André Morell
Mike Morelli
Harry T. Morey
Boyd 'Red' Morgan
Charles Morgan
Dennis Morgan
Frank Morgan
Harry Morgan
Kewpie Morgan
Stanley Morgan
Terence Morgan
Alberto Morin
Robert Morley
George Morrell
Aubrey Morris
Chester Morris
Corbet Morris
Glenn Morris
Leonard Morris
Philip Morris
Wayne Morris
William Morris
Ernest Morrison
Louis Morrison
Russell Morrison
Byron Morrow
Jeff Morrow
Barry Morse
Robin Morse
Edmund Mortimer
Clive Morton
Alberto Morin
Robert Morley
George Morrell
Aubrey Morris
Chester Morris
Corbet Morris
Glenn Morris
Leonard Morris
Philip Morris
Wayne Morris
William Morris
Ernest Morrison
Louis Morrison
Russell Morrison
Byron Morrow
Jeff Morrow
Barry Morse
Robin Morse
Edmund Mortimer
Clive Morton
Hugh Morton
James C. Morton
Mickey Morton
Maurice Moscovitch
Jimmy Moss
Stirling Moss
Zero Mostel
Alan Mowbray
Jack Mower
Leonard Mudie
Armin Mueller-Stahl
Jack Mulhall
Arthur Mullard
Bill Mullikin
Peter Mullins
Al Mulock
Danny Mummert
Ferdinand Munier
Richard Murdoch
Henry Murdock
Charles Murphy
Donald Murphy
George Murphy
Horace Murphy
James C. Morton
Mickey Morton
Maurice Moscovitch
Jimmy Moss
Stirling Moss
Zero Mostel
Alan Mowbray
Jack Mower
Leonard Mudie
Armin Mueller-Stahl
Jack Mulhall
Arthur Mullard
Bill Mullikin
Peter Mullins
Al Mulock
Danny Mummert
Ferdinand Munier
Richard Murdoch
Henry Murdock
Charles Murphy
Donald Murphy
George Murphy
Horace Murphy
Hugh Murray
James Murray
John T. Murray
Ken Murray
Stephen Murray
Zon Murray
Clarence Muse
Harry Myers
John Mylong
James Murray
John T. Murray
Ken Murray
Stephen Murray
Zon Murray
Clarence Muse
Harry Myers
John Mylong
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