Monday, 7 May 2012

1922 Films


Blood and Sand

[Rudolph Valentino, Rosa Rosanova, Leo White, Rosita Marstini, Walter Long, Lila Lee, Charles Belcher, Fred Becker, George Field, Jack Winn, Harry Lamont, Gilbert Clayton, Sidney De Gray, George Periolat, Nita Naldi, Dorcas Matthews, W.E. Lawrence, Michael Dark, Louise Emmons, Rafael Negrete, Stanhope Wheatcroft]

Cops (Short)
[Buster Keaton, Edward F. Cline, Virginia Fox, Steve Murphy, Joe Roberts] 

The Electric House (Short)
[Buster Keaton, Virginia Fox, Joe Keaton, Louise Keaton, Myra Keaton, Laura La Varnie, Steve Murphy, Joe Roberts]

Fire Fighters (Short)

[Peggy Cartwright, Jackie Condon, Ernest Morrison, Elmo Billings, Richard Billings, Betsy Ann Hisle, Kenneth Johnson, George Ward, Allen 'Farina' Hoskins, Dinah, Ernie Morrison Sr., George Rowe, Charles Stevenson]

Mummy's Nightmare (Short)

The Non-Skid Kid (Short)

Our Gang (Short)
[Anna Mae Bilson, Jackie Condon, Mickey Daniels, John Hatton, Ernest Morrison, Buck Black, Peggy Cartwright, Weston Doty, Winston Doty, Henry Hill, George Ward, Helen Gilmore, Wallace Howe, Mark Jones, Fanny Kelly, Charley Lloyd, Jack O'Brien, Molly Thompson, Vera White, Charley Young]
A Quiet Street (Short)
[Jackie Condon, Mickey Daniels, Jack Davis, Ernest Morrison, Peggy Cartwright, Dick Gilbert, William Gillespie, Clara Guiol, Jack Hill, Ernie Morrison Sr., Gabe Saienz, Charles Stevenson]
Shine 'Em Up (Short)
[James Parrott, Jobyna Ralston, Eddie Baker, William Gillespie, George Rowe, Sammy Brooks]
The Toll of the Sea


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