Tuesday, 1 March 2011

Actors L

Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter L

Actors K

Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter K

Actors J

Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter J

Actors I

Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter I

Actors H

Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter H

Alex Hassilev
John Hatton
Raymond Hatton
Jerry Hausner
Alex Havier
Jeremy Hawk
Frank Hawkins
Jack Hawkins
Jimmy Hawkins
Monte Hawley
Joe Haworth
Vinton Haworth...aka...Jack Arnold...aka...Vinton Hayworth
Charles Hawtrey
Will Hay
Harry Hayden
Russell Hayden
Sterling Hayden
Richard Haydn
Frank Hayes
George 'Gabby' Hayes
Tubby Hayes
Richard Hayman
Dick Haymes
A. R. Haysel
Charles Hayter
James Hayter
Henry Hayward
Louis Hayward
Alan Haywood 
Vinton Hayworth...aka...Jack Arnold...aka...Vinton Haworth
Jonathan Haze
Myron Healey
Ted Healy
Edward Hearn
Reginald Hearne
Richard Hearne
Thomas Heathcote
Spike Heatley
Gabriel Heatter
David Hedison aka Al Hedison
Maurice Hedley
Van Heflin
O. P. Heggie
Jack Heller
Barney Hellum
Robert Helpmann
Percy Helton
Richard Hemingway 
Dell Henderson
Frank Henderson
Arch Hendricks
Ben Hendricks Jr. 
Ian Hendry
Tom Hennesy
Paul Henreid
Kenneth Henry 
Robert 'Buzz' Henry
Thomas Browne Henry
William Henry
Barton Hepburn

Actors G

Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter G

Richard George
Carl Gerard 
Steven Geray
Jackie Gerlich
Charles K. Gerrard
Floyd Gibbons
Henry Gibson 
Hoot Gibson
John Gielgud 
Frederick Giermann
Alan Gifford
Billy Gilbert
John Gilbert
Richard Gilden
Jack Gilford
Alexander Gill  
Tom Gill
William Gillespie
Ralph Gilliam
Claude Gillingwater
Denis Gilmore  
Lowell Gilmore
Tom Gilson
Joseph W. Girard
Etienne Girardot
George Givot 
Roy Gladdish
Vaughan Glaser 
Everett Glass
Gaston Glass
Ned Glass 
Gus Glassmire
James Gleason
Pat Gleason
Russell Gleason
J. Frank Glendon
Edmund Glover
Michael Glover
John Glyn-Jones
Willoughby Goddard
George Godfrey
Peter Godfrey
Philip Godfrey
Tommy Godfrey
Norris Goff
Rube Goldberg
Michael Golden
Charles Goldner 
John Goldsworthy
Augie Gomez 
Thomas Gomez
James Gonzalez
Jose Gonzalez-Gonzalez
Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez 
Geoffrey Goodheart 
Jack A. Goodrich
Harold Goodwin
Bernard Gorcey
David Gorcey
Leo Gorcey
C. Henry Gordon
Colin Gordon
Glen Gordon
Huntley Gordon 
Roy Gordon
Marius Goring
Buddy Gorman
Grant Gorman
Shay Gorman
Romo Gorrara
Sol Gorss aka Saul Gorss
Ferdinand Gottschalk
Michael Gough
William Gould
Gibson Gowland
Meyer Grace
Paul Graeff
Vincent Graeff
Alex Graham
Fred Graham
George Graham
Morland Graham
Richard Graham
Albert Gran
Alexander Granach
Farley Granger
Stewart Granger
A. Cameron Grant
Cary Grant
Harvey Grant
Johnny Grant 
Lawrence Grant
Stephen Grant
Charley Grapewin
Bertram Grassby
Jesse Graves
Peter Graves
Ralph Graves
Robert Graves
Billy Gray (born 1938)
Billy Gray (born 1904)
George Gray
Lawrence Gray
Mack Gray
Richard Grayden
Bennett Green
Garard Green
Hughie Green
Nigel Green
Harrison Greene
Howard Greene
Richard Greene
Mace Greenleaf
Sydney Greenstreet 
Tom Greenway
Dabbs Greer
Douglas Greer
David Gregory
Iain Gregory
John Gregson
Eddie Gribbon 
Harry Gribbon
Andy Griffith
Charles B. Griffith
Gordon Griffith
Hugh Griffith
Jack Griffith
James Griffith
Kenneth Griffith 
Fred Griffiths
Norman Griffiths
Harry Gripp
Arthur Gross
Kit Guard
Philip Guard
Harry Guardino
F. F. Guenste
George Guhl
James Guilfoyle 
Paul Guilfoyle
Alec Guinness
Moses Gunn
Raymond Guth
Arlo Guthrie 
Deryck Guyler 
Edmund Gwenn
