Tuesday 1 March 2011

Actors L

Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter L

Eugene Lay
Howard Layton
Eddie Le Baron
William Le Maire
John Le Mesurier
Adolphe Le Prince
Hal Le Roy
Jimmy Leake 
Nolan Leary 
Rex Lease
Philip Leaver
Norman Leavitt
Ivan Lebedeff  
Gene LeBell
Bernard Lee
Canada Lee  
Duke R. Lee
Harry Lee (born 1872)
Harry Lee  (born 1892)
Will Lee
George Leech
Richard Leech
Peter Leeds
Richard LeGrand
Fritz Leiber
George Leigh
Nelson Leigh
Ronald Leigh-Hunt
Frederick Leister
Nico Lek
Tutte Lemkow
Jack Lemmon
Lynn Lemon
Jimmy Lennon Sr.
Gus Leonard
Sheldon Leonard
Kenneth LeRoy
Edward LeSaint
Eddie Leslie
Len Lesser
George Lessey
Bruce Lester
Mark Lester
Henri Letondal
Sam Levene
Carl M. Leviness
Stan Levitt
David Lewis
George J. Lewis
Harry Lewis
Henry Lewis Jr.
Jerry Lewis
Joe E. Lewis
Mitchell Lewis
Ralph Lewis
Sheldon Lewis
Tom Lewis
Edward Lexy
John Leyton
Rolf Lindau 
Stuart Lindsell
Jack 'Tiny' Lipson
Warren Lister
John Litel 
Lucien Littlefield
Ralph Littlefield
Roger Livesay
Robert Livingston
Al Lloyd
Charles Lloyd 
George Lloyd
Harold Lloyd
Norman Lloyd
Rollo Lloyd
Charles Lloyd Pack
Marvin Loback
Harry Locke
Philip Locke
Gene Lockhart
John Loder
David Lodge
Arthur Loft
Stanley Logan
Gus Lombardo
Tom London  
Richard Long
John Longden
Terence Longdon
Henry B. Longhurst
Jeremy Longhurst
Jimmy Lono
Richard Loo 
Theodore Lorch  
Peter Lorre
Jacques Lory
'Ducky' Louie
Montagu Love 
Arthur Lovegrove 
Frank Lovejoy 
Raymond Lovell 
Arthur Lowe
Barry Lowe 
Bill Lowe
Edmund Lowe 
John Lowell
Mark Lowell
Robert Lowell  
Robert Lowery
Morton Lowry 
Jimmie Lucas
Wilfred Lucas
William Lucas 
Max Lucke
John Ludlow
Arthur Ludwig
Sam Lufkin
Bela Lugosi  
Paul Lukas
Keye Luke
Dayton Lummis
John Lund
William Lundigan
Clarence Lung
Wallace Lupino
Jimmy Lydon
Ken Lynch
Kenny Lynch
Ned Lynch
Emmett Lynn
George Lynn
Jeffrey Lynn
Ben Lyon

Actors K

Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter K

Davy Kaye
Paul Kaye
Edward Keane
Robert Emmett Keane
Allen Kearns
Pat Kearney
Harry Keatan
Buster Keaton
Joe Keaton 
Cornelius Keefe
Don Keefer
Howard Keel
Geoffrey Keen
Hamilton Keene
Richard Keene
Tom Keene...aka...George Duryea...aka...Richard Powers
Andrew Keir
David Keir
Donald Keith
Ian Keith
Robert Keith
Sydney Keith
Cecil Kellaway
Barry Kelley
James T. Kelley
John Kellogg
Brian Kelly
David Blake Kelly
Dermot Kelly
Gene Kelly 
John Kelly
Lew Kelly
Michael Kelly
Paul Kelly
Seamus Kelly
Sean Kelly
Moultrie Kelsall 
Fred Kelsey
Frederick Kelsey
Cy Kendall 
Henry Kendall
Robert Kendall
Arthur Kennedy 
Bill Kennedy
Douglas Kennedy
Edgar Kennedy
George Kennedy
Harold J. Kennedy
Jack Kennedy
Tom Kennedy
Jack Kenney
James Kenney
Jack Kenny
Carl Kent 
Crauford Kent
Larry Kent
Robert Kent...aka...Douglas Blackley
Willard Kent
Bill Kerr 
Donald Kerr
Frederick Kerr
Geoffrey Kerr
J. M. Kerrigan
Cliff Ketchum
Guy Kibbee 
Milton Kibbee
Karl Kiffe
Percy Kilbride
Terry Kilburn  
Victor Kilian
Edward Kilroy
Leslie Kimmell
Charles King [Born: 1889]
Charles King [Born: 1895]
John 'Dusty' King
Joe King
Peter King 
Walter Woolf King
Guy Kingsford
Walter Kingsford 
Claude Kingston
Murray Kinnell
Ham Kinsey
Leonid Kinskey
Jack Kirk
Joe Kirk
Laurence Kitchin
John Kitzmiller
Richard Klee 
Skelton Knaggs 
Robert Knapp
Bill Knight
Charles Knight
Esmond Knight 
Fuzzy Knight
Jack Knight
James Knight 
Malcolm Knight
Don Knotts
Patric Knowles
Alexander Knox
Mickey Knox
Fred Kohler
Fred Kohler Jr
Lee Kohlmar
Clarence Kolb
Scott Kolk
Henry Kolker
Bob Kortman
Fritz Kortner
Charles Korvin
Martin Kosleck
Paul Koslo
George Kotsonaros
Bela Kovacs
Kenneth Kove
Mitchell Kowall
Kurt Kreuger
Berry Kroeger 
Otto Kruger
Jack Kruschen
Mickey Kuhn
Al Kunde
Jonathan Kydd 
Sam Kydd
Kay Kyser

Actors J

Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter J

Actors I

Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter I

Actors H

Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter H

Lumsden Hare
Gordon Harker
Dennis Harkin
Kenneth Harlan
John Harmon
Pat Harmon 
Ralf Harolde
Fred Harper
Gerald Harper
William Harrigan
John Harrington
Pat Harrington Sr
Alfred Harris
Averell Harris
Gordon Harris 
Larry Harris
Sam Harris 
Stacy Harris
Rex Harrison
John Harron 
Eddie Hart
Gordon Hart
William S. Hart
John Hartley
Paul Hartman
Norman Hartnell
William Hartnell
Don C. Harvey
Forrester Harvey
Harry Harvey
Harry Harvey Jr.
Herk Harvey 
John Harvey
Lew Harvey
Michael Martin Harvey
Morris Harvey
Paul Harvey
George Hassell
John Hatton
Raymond Hatton
Jerry Hausner
Alex Havier
Jeremy Hawk
Frank Hawkins
Jack Hawkins
Jimmy Hawkins
Monte Hawley
Joe Haworth
Vinton Haworth...aka...Jack Arnold...aka...Vinton Hayworth
Charles Hawtrey
Will Hay
Harry Hayden
Russell Hayden
Sterling Hayden
Richard Haydn
Frank Hayes
George 'Gabby' Hayes
Tubby Hayes
Richard Hayman
Dick Haymes
A. R. Haysel
Charles Hayter
James Hayter
Henry Hayward
Louis Hayward
Alan Haywood 
Vinton Hayworth...aka...Jack Arnold...aka...Vinton Haworth
Jonathan Haze
Myron Healey
Ted Healy
Edward Hearn
Reginald Hearne
Richard Hearne
Thomas Heathcote
Spike Heatley
Gabriel Heatter
David Hedison aka Al Hedison
Maurice Hedley
Van Heflin
O. P. Heggie
Jack Heller
Barney Hellum
Robert Helpmann
Percy Helton
Richard Hemingway 
Dell Henderson
Frank Henderson
Arch Hendricks
Ben Hendricks Jr. 
Ian Hendry
Tom Hennesy
Paul Henreid
Kenneth Henry 
Robert 'Buzz' Henry
Thomas Browne Henry
William Henry
Barton Hepburn
Bryan Herbert
Charles Herbert
Holmes Herbert
Hugh Herbert
Keith Hitchcock
Halliwell Hobbes
Carleton Hobbs
MacDonald Hobley
Edward Hodge
Ralph Hodges  
Earle Hodgins
Leyland Hodgson
John Hodiak 
Dennis Hoey
Dustin Hoffman
Howard Hoffman
Max Hoffman Jr.
Otto Hoffman
Dick Hogan
Arthur Hohl
Hal Holbrook
George Holdcroft
Harry Holden
Tex Holden
William Holden
Geoffrey Holder
Billy Holland
John Holland
Anthony Holles
Frank Holliday
Earl Holliman
Stanley Holloway
Sterling Holloway 
Harry Holman
Vincent Holman
Fred Holmes 
George Holmes
John Holmes
Phillips Holmes
Stuart Holmes
Taylor Holmes
Hammond Holt
Jack Holt
Patrick Holt
Tim Holt 
Robert Homans
Oskar Homolka
Gordon Honeycombe
Walter Soo Hoo
Bob Hope
Dennis Hopper
William Hopper
Russell Hopton 
Michael Hordern
Peter Hornsby
John Horsley
Edward Everett Horton
John Horton
Solomon Horwitz
Allen 'Farina' Hoskins
Harry Houdini
Billy House
Arthur Housman
Donald Houston 
Glyn Houston
Arthur Howard
Curly Howard
John Howard 
Leslie Howard
Lewis Howard
Moe Howard 
Ronald Howard
Shemp Howard
Ted Howard
Trevor Howard
William K. Howard
Jack Howarth 
Clark Howat
Wallace Howe
Kenneth Howell
Reed Howes
Olin Howland 
Noel Howlett
Arthur Hoyt
John Hubbard...aka...Anthony Allan
Harold Huber
Walter Hudd
Rock Hudson
Geoffrey Hughes
J. Anthony Hughes
Lloyd Hughes
Robin Hughes
Roddy Hughes
Tommy Hughes
Mauritz Hugo
Claude Hulbert
Jack Hulbert
Arthur Stuart Hull
Henry Hull
Warren Hull
George Humbert 
Walter Humphrey
William Humphrey
John Humphry
Jimmy Hunt
Alastair Hunter
Bill Hunter
Jeffrey Hunter
G. P. Huntley
Raymond Huntley
Alec Hurley
Philip Hurlic
Brandon Hurst
Paul Hurst
John Hurt
Walter Huston
David Hutcheson
Bobby 'Wheezer' Hutchins
John Hyams 
Wilfrid Hyde-White
Warren Hymer

Actors G

Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter G

Gene Garrick
Joseph Garry
Otis Garth 
William Garwood
Alexander Gauge
Jack Gavin
Peter Gawthorne
Gregory Gaye
Ben Gazzara
Bud Geary
Clarence Geldart
Charles Gemora
Jacques Gencel
Leo Genn 
Abner George
Jack George 
John George
Lance George
Carl Gerard 
Steven Geray
Jackie Gerlich
Charles K. Gerrard
Floyd Gibbons
Henry Gibson 
Hoot Gibson
John Gielgud 
Frederick Giermann
Alan Gifford
Billy Gilbert
John Gilbert
Richard Gilden
Jack Gilford
Alexander Gill  
Tom Gill
William Gillespie
Ralph Gilliam
Claude Gillingwater
Denis Gilmore  
Lowell Gilmore
Tom Gilson
Joseph W. Girard
Etienne Girardot
George Givot 
Roy Gladdish
Vaughan Glaser 
Everett Glass
Gaston Glass
Ned Glass 
Gus Glassmire
James Gleason
Pat Gleason
Russell Gleason
J. Frank Glendon
Edmund Glover
Michael Glover
John Glyn-Jones
Willoughby Goddard
George Godfrey
Peter Godfrey
Philip Godfrey
Tommy Godfrey
Norris Goff
Rube Goldberg
Michael Golden
Charles Goldner 
John Goldsworthy
Augie Gomez 
Thomas Gomez
James Gonzalez
Jose Gonzalez-Gonzalez
Pedro Gonzalez Gonzalez 
Geoffrey Goodheart 
Jack A. Goodrich
Harold Goodwin
Bernard Gorcey
David Gorcey
Leo Gorcey
C. Henry Gordon
Colin Gordon
Glen Gordon
Huntley Gordon 
Roy Gordon
Marius Goring
Buddy Gorman
Grant Gorman
Shay Gorman
Romo Gorrara
Sol Gorss aka Saul Gorss
Ferdinand Gottschalk
Michael Gough
William Gould
Gibson Gowland
Meyer Grace
Paul Graeff
Vincent Graeff
Alex Graham
Fred Graham
George Graham
Morland Graham
Richard Graham
Albert Gran
Alexander Granach
Stewart Granger
A. Cameron Grant
Cary Grant
Harvey Grant
Johnny Grant 
Lawrence Grant
Stephen Grant
Charley Grapewin
Bertram Grassby
Jesse Graves
Peter Graves
Ralph Graves
Robert Graves
Billy Gray (born 1938)
Billy Gray (born 1904)
George Gray
Lawrence Gray
Mack Gray
Richard Grayden
Bennett Green
Garard Green
Hughie Green
Nigel Green
Harrison Greene
Howard Greene
Richard Greene
Mace Greenleaf
Sydney Greenstreet 
Tom Greenway
Dabbs Greer
Douglas Greer
David Gregory
Iain Gregory
John Gregson
Eddie Gribbon 
Harry Gribbon
Andy Griffith
Charles B. Griffith
Gordon Griffith
Hugh Griffith
Jack Griffith
James Griffith
Kenneth Griffith 
Fred Griffiths
Norman Griffiths
Harry Gripp
Arthur Gross
Kit Guard
Philip Guard
Harry Guardino
F. F. Guenste
George Guhl
James Guilfoyle 
Paul Guilfoyle
Alec Guinness
Moses Gunn
Raymond Guth
Arlo Guthrie 
Deryck Guyler 
Edmund Gwenn

Actors F

Actors Whose Surname Begins with the Letter F

Edward M. Favor
Frank Fay
Herbie Faye
Adolph Faylauer 
Frank Faylen
Fritz Feld
Marty Feldman
Norman Fell
Felix Felton
Reginald Fenderson
Walter Fenner
Frank Fenton
Al Ferguson
Frank Ferguson
Abel Fernandez
Emilio Fernández
Tom Ferrandini
José Ferrer 
Mel Ferrer
Stepin Fetchit
Eddie Fetherston
Alexander Field
Elvin Field
Edward Fielding
Stanley Fields
W. C. Fields
Allen Fife
Budd Fine 
Larry Fine 
James Finlayson
Sammy Finn
Alec Finter
Alfred Fisher
Norman Fisher
Shug Fisher
Richard Fiske 
Robert Fiske 
Barry Fitzgerald
Paul Fix
George Flaherty
Pat Flaherty
James Flavin
Harry Fleer
Eric Fleming
Ian Fleming
Robert Flemyng
Jerry Fletcher
Sam Flint
Jay C. Flippen
Gerald Flood
Joe Flynn
Errol Flynn
George Foley
Henry Fonda
Benson Fong
Harold Fong
Frank Fontaine
Peter Fontaine
Lee Tung Foo 
Dick Foran
Bryan Forbes
Ralph Forbes
Peter Forbes-Robertson
Francis Ford
Glenn Ford
Harrison Ford
